You know that one of the fastest-growing social media networks is Twitter. But do you know how to effectively Tweet to get engagement for your business?
Companies use Twitter to push out brand awareness and engage with their audience like any other social media platform. The difference is that Twitter has over 321 MILLION USERS whom you can interact with. This means you don’t want to be left out when it comes to posting on this platform.
Be sure to tweet frequently to keep up engagement. If you want help tweeting every day, you can use Zoho Social like we do. You can schedule posts on Twitter to be posted in the future so you don’t have to remember to tweet each day. Planning out your social media calendar is a great way to ensure you have quality posts with proper hashtags each month.
Now here are some quick tricks to get you started:
Tweets with Hashtags are 33% more effective than without! Want your post to be retweeted so more people see it or it goes viral? Get those hashtags in there!
Incorporate your hashtags in your post, not just at the end. -Pro tip- include your website link within the post instead of at the beginning or end to get more clicks!
Be creative with your hashtags. Use trending hashtags or create your own for your brand so followers can find you easier.
Don’t use too many hashtags. Less is more! You could overwhelm followers with too many hashtags. Embed this video-- https://youtu.be/57dzaMaouXA
Slightly longer hashtags get more retweets than shorter ones. Shoot for 11 or more characters for optimal engagement.
USE IMAGES in your tweets!! GIFS count too! Keep them fresh and original for maximum impact.
Ask questions or post honest tweets that represent your business to engage people. This makes your tweets more personal to your followers.
Make sure your content is valuable or informative. Followers want to gain something by reading your tweet and will share with their followers if they think it’s relevant.
Make sure your tweets include images and only one hashtag if you want them to have a higher chance of being retweeted. Keep them slightly longer and full of valuable info for people to share.
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