Sending emails that are effective can be tricky. The key is a catchy email subject line that increases the open rate. More emails which are read increase the number of potential conversions. Here are some tips for writing email subject lines that will get more people actually reading your well-crafted copy and taking advantage of your business propositions.
Include the right words – This is common sense but what ARE the RIGHT words to use? The goal is to convey the proper message to potential customers and get them interested enough to open your email. Try using at least two words from the list below in your subject lines to add value to the message. About, add, advice, available, better, breaking, celebrate, content, course, daily, deduction, deserve, easiest, event, exclusive, expired, fastest, freebie, go, golden, hurry, important, information, introducing, jokes, latest, limited time, monthly, new, notice, plus, promotional, really, register, remember, renew, several, snapshot, soon, special, still time, stock up, summer, thanks, today only, tomorrow, try, upgrade, voluntary, waiting, weekend, weekly, wonderful, yesterday, you,
Avoid the wrong words– The opposite of the list above is the WRONG words to use. These should be avoided because they might trigger spam filters or turn off a potential customer. Make sure to avoid using the words in our list below whenever possible. 100%, #1, access, announcing, alert, apply, now, bargain, best price, budget, cancel, certified, clearance, compare rates, deal, dear friend, discount, eliminate, exclusive deal, fantastic deal, free, giving away, greetings, hello, increase sales, incredible deal, innovate, Internet, marketing, join millions, legal, limited, lowest price, message contains, money, newsletter, no cost, no credit, no obligation, not spam, obligation, one time opportunity, perfect, priority mail, prize, problem, quickest, registration, request, risk free, satisfaction, score, shopper, special promotion, stop, time limited, vacation, while supplies last,
Keep it short – Keeping things short and concise is generally good advice. This is doubly so for email subject lines. Half of people view emails on their phone which shows only 17 to 38 characters in for most phones. If you can keep it under 25 characters, then most phones can read the entire subject line in portrait mode.
Fewer words are More – Generally 3-5 is the best option, but definitely no more than 10. You shouldn’t need a breadth of words to convey you message.
Use an emoji – Consider using an emoji. While you might not get as positive feedback from older generations, if you target market is millennials and younger, than you will be doing yourself a favor. An emoji adds a little something extra to catch the reader’s eye and entice them to open.
The Bottom Line
When it comes to email marketing, it is important to adapt as technology changes. These tips are gathered from insight we’ve received from customers and used for our own company. More often than not a user is checking their email on a phone and it’s all too easy to click the delete button. Keep it short and to the point with the right key words and you’ll get more clicks in no time.
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